/* Copyright © Chennan All rights reserved. * This source code is Written by Chennan in CE·Chengdu. * You can use it with permission from the author. */ body { opacity: 0; transition: padding-top 1s; } body.cn-show { opacity: 1; } body.cn-make { opacity: 1; } body.cn-show .wd-scroll-animation:not(.wd-no-scroll-animation).wd-scrolled { animation: fadeInUp 0.8s both; } .wd-scroll-animation:not(.wd-no-scroll-animation) { opacity: 0; } .cn-make .wd-scroll-animation { opacity: 1; } * {word-break:break-word;} .cnPubTitle { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; flex-direction:row; width: 100%; max-width:1400px; margin:0 auto; padding:15px; position:relative; z-index:4; text-align:center; } .cnPubTitle.alignleft {text-align:left;} .cnPubTitle .p_item {width:100%;} .cnPubTitle h1{ font-size:30px; color:#f00; } .cnPubTitle p{ line-height: 1.6; font-size:20px; font-family:"times"; color:#005b27; padding-bottom:20px; text-transform:uppercase; } @keyframes puBanner { from { transform: translateY(100px); 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